There must be something in the Dunedin sea air that blows across the neighbouring clubs of Forbury Park and St Clair. Perhaps they could bottle that air and send it out nationally because they certainly lead the way in being a welcoming, safe, and fun place for youngsters.
As part of the growth nationwide of Twilight Bowls, Forbury Park have been enjoying hosting their weekly sessions. It's what happens with the youngsters that makes a difference. The children in the attached group photo come along with their families. They have FUN. They enjoy socialising with their mates, watching their parents play bowls, get first dibs at the sausage sizzle before the players and even enjoy kicking a soft football around in the hall part of the club house. The amusing twist about this is that some youngsters have been told that if they don't behave at home they won't be allowed to go to the bowling club! Going to the bowling club is the prize and is where they want to be! Fantastic Forbury Park. Thanks for making your club such a welcoming and inclusive place for families.

The next generation of bowlers at Forbury Park in Dunedin
Just down the road at the St Clair Club you will find two other great Dunedin youngsters - eleven year old, Jordan McEwan and his eight year old brother, Lachie. You often find them having fun practicing on the greens. They are only little fellows but easily handle their size 2.5 bowls with their excellent deliveries.

Jordan and Lachie McEwan with World Champion Tayla Bruce
On Sunday they played in the Dunedin Centre Open Pairs. Jordan played with his Grandad, Dennis Lobb and Lachie with the Club President, Dave Charlton. Neither team qualified for post section but these young men impressed all they play against. It is not just their playing talent that impresses. It is their whole demeanour that they have. Their father, Brent McEwan (an accomplished bowler himself, and former NZ golfer) explained that he and his wife Shannon have just been trying to raise "good kids". They are certainly achieving this, because if you ask Jordan and Lachie what are the two key words that are important in playing bowls, you won't get the answers of having fun or winning or anything similar from them. You will get the answers of "respect and humble". These values shine out in these young boys. Congratulations to Brent and Shannon in their care of these fine young men and also to the St Clair Club for welcoming and supporting these special young fellows.
The challenge for all clubs from Forbury Park and St Clair is to consider how they approach the care and inclusion of all youngsters. They are our future.