Para Bowls Hub

Resources for people with disabilities

Congratulations Hazel Littlejohn - Open Disability Bowler of the Year 2023/24

Read about Hazel here

Bowls really is the sport that anyone can play. The bowling community is very inclusive and adapts many aspects so that people with any disability can take part. This includes, but is not limited to, using personal assistants, aids that help balance or vision, wheelchairs, bowling arms, sticks or crutches.

A wide range of opportunities exist for all people whether they want to play just for casual, fun and social times, taking part at a club level or right through to national and international representation. If people wish to play at a competitive level classification of a person’s disability may be required. Visual impairment classes are B1-B4 and physical impairment classes are B5-B8.  Both ambulant and wheelchair-bound players may be eligible. There is also a group of lawn bowlers with varying degrees of hearing loss.

For more information connect with your page of interest here to find out more about the classification system and to get in touch with people that can assist you.

Bowls for Vision Impaired

Bowls for Hearing Impaired

Bowls for Physically Impaired
