Open Men's Fours Results

YearHost CentreTeamsClub/sCentres
1888DunedinW R R (William) Churton, J (James) Oughton, W M (William) Carswell, D (David) Mackie (s)TaieriDunedin
1889DunedinM (Matthew) Elliott, P (Peter/Patrick) Dow, W C (Willaim) Allnutt, W (Walter) Carlton (s)RoslynDunedin
1890ChristchurchW (William) Savage, V W (Vivian) Parsons, E C (Edward) Ashby, B (Benjamin) Hale (s)CanterburyChristchurch
1891DunedinD Campbell, W (William) Weir, D (David) Mackie, W M (William) Carswell (s)TaieriDunedin
1892ChristchurchN (Neil) Fleming, J (James) Familton, B (Benjamin) Mollison, J (James)Martin (s)OamaruNorth Otago
1893DunedinW (William) Barnett, C P (Charles) Hulbert, H (Henry) Toomer, H (Henry) Thomson (s)ChristchurchChristchurch
1894ChristchurchJ (James/John) Davidson, A (Alexander) Owen, J (James/John) Wedderspoon, J (John) Evans (s)CaledonianDunedin
1895DunedinH (Henry/Hugh) Reid, E A (Edwin) Tapper, A (Alexander) MacDonald, T (Thomas) Sneddon (s)KaitunaDunedin
1897ChristchurchH N (Henry) Nalder, W (Walter/William) Thomas, R (Robert) Struthers, H (Henry) Thomson (s)ChristchurchChristchurch
1898DunedinW (William) Cowie, C (Charles) Fynmore, M (Mark) Sinclair, A (Alexander) Gillies (s)DunedinDunedin
1899ChristchurchA (Alfred) Louisson, H N (Henry) Nalder, A V (Argyles) Bishop, W (William) Barnett (s)ChristchurchChristchurch
1900DunedinT (Thomas) Morris, W Thomson, C T (Charles) Haynes, J Hunter (s)DunedinDunedin
1901ChristchurchW (William) Barnett, W M (William) Gibb, A V (Argyles) Bishop, L B (Lawrence) Wood (s)ChristchurchChristchurch
1902DunedinD Smith, W (William) Melrose, G P (George) Howell, W M (William) Carswell (s)TaieriDunedin
1903ChristchurchJ (James) Brackenridge, F J (Frederick) Gooder, N W (Norris) Bell, J M (James) Brackenridge (s)VictoriaWellington
1904DunedinS (Samuel) Alpe, E (Ernest) Harraway, S H (Houghton) Underwood, G (George) Prince (s)NewtownWellington
1905ChristchurchW (William) Wylie, F W (Frank) Wise, H (Henry) Price, G (George) Prince (s)NewtownWellington
1906DunedinW (William) Wylie, W H (William) Brightwell, J (John) Roberts, G (George) Prince (s) NewtownWellington
1907ChristchurchW (William) Allan, J (James) Tait, T (Thomas) Mackie, W M (William) Carswell (s)TaieriDunedin
1908DunedinA Davidson, W (William) Allan, J (James) Tait, W M (William) Carswell (s)TaieriDunedin
1909ChristchurchJ F (John) Foley, W F (William) Bastings, J (James) Scott, C E (Charles) Keast (s)CaledonianDunedin
1910DunedinT W (Thomas) Wilson, S L (Samuel) Padget, O J (Otto) Wilson, A J (Arthur) Service (s) North EndSouthland
1911ChristchurchW (William) McLeod, J (James) Day, L H (Leslie) Campbell, J (James) Scott (s)CaledonianDunedin
1912DunedinA Cameron, D H (David) McLachlan, D (David) Stevenson, J (James) McLachlan (s) TaieriDunedin
1913ChristchurchJ (John) Brown (jnr), J (John) Brown, W (Wilson) Fraser, I (Isaac) Woolf (s)UnitedChristchurch
1914DunedinW A W (William) Grenfell, A E (Albert) Erskine, W L (Walter) Thompson, J S (John) Porteous (s)WellingtonWellington
1915AucklandN H (Norman) Nash, S (Sydney) Dixon, F J (Fred) Tasker, J A (Jimmy) Nash (s)Palmerston NorthManawatu
1916ChristchurchC W (Charles) Davis, A E (Albert) Davies, A B (Arthur) Duff, J (John) Laughton (s)NewtownWellington
1917WellingtonJ S (James) Ryrie, A R (Archibald) Coltman, W (William) Coltman, G B (Gregory) Osmond (s)AucklandAuckland
1918DunedinW (William) Robson, J (James) Spinks, E T G (Edward) Falconer, C R (Charles) Smith (s)OtagoDunedin
1919AucklandA J (Arthur) Andrew, W (Walter) Given, O (Oswald) Gallagher, E (Ernest) Jury (s)KarangahakeThames Valley
1920Christchurch H (Harold) Brookfield, F L (Frank) Anderson, H N Tiley, A P (Andrew) London (s)WanganuiWanganui
1921WellingtonG H (George) Hilton, A J (Andy) Bell, O (Oswald) Gallagher, E (Ernest) Jury (s)KarangahakeThames Valley
1922DunedinJ A (John) McKinnon, W B (William) Allan, W (William) Allan, W M (William) Carswell (s)TaieriDunedin
1923AucklandR S (Robert) Sommerville, J F (James) Hosking, V P(Victor) Casey, A (Arthur) Parsons (s)PonsonbyAuckland
1924Christchurch W (Walter) Ure, H S (Henry) Hill, C G (Cornelius) Maher, W (Bill) Bremner (s)West EndAuckland
1925Wellington H J (Henry) Wernham, F T (Frank) Wilson, A C McIntyre, R N (Richard) Pilkington (s)HamiltonWaikato
1926DunedinJ D (John) Best, H G (Henry) Siedeberg, F (Frances) McCullough, E (Ernest) Harraway (s)DunedinDunedin
1927AucklandJ (John) McMillan, H (Harold) Rowling, J F (James) Wright, A H (Arthur) Benefield (s)St Johns HillWanganui
1928ChristchurchF (Frank) Kettle, V (Victor) Langley, D G (David) Hutchison, W (Walter) Foster (s)CaledonianDunedin
1929WellingtonC E (Charles) Hardley, F (Frederick) Needham, I.(Irving) Clarke, W (Bill) Bremner (s)West EndAuckland
1930DunedinE S (Ernie) Wilson, L C (Len) Buist, J (Jim) Dowland, D M (Donald) Stuart (s)St KildaDunedin
1931AucklandJ D (Jack) Best, A J H (Alfred) Gregory, H (Henry) Gardiner, G A (George) Deare (s)DunedinDunedin
1932ChristchurchK S (Keith) Macky, L J Keys, C H De Launay, M (Maxwell) Walker (s)AucklandAuckland
1933WellingtonA R (Arthur) Hastings, R (Robert) McKenzie, J M (James) Brackenridge, L M (Leslie) Taylor (s)Lyall BayWellington
1934DunedinG (George) Dickson, F (Frances) Redpath, H F Gibson, H (Harry) Wilson (s)LinwoodChristchurch
1935AucklandW E (William) Mincham, L G Donaldson, W J (William) Liversidge, H (Henry) Whittle (s)Grey LynnAuckland
1936ChristchurchC H (Charles) Elsom, J W (James) Turpin, C J (Cyril) Shaw, R (Richard/Robert) Haworth (s)CanterburyChristchurch
1937WellingtonC H (Charles) Elsom, P (Phillip) Munn, C J (Cyril) Shaw, R (Richard/Robert) Haworth (s)CanterburyChristchurch
1938DunedinS J (Stan) Snedden, F (Francis) Redpath, P (Phillip) Munn, H (Harry) Wilson (s)LinwoodChristchurch
1939AucklandC F Robertson, H (Howard) Franks, J F (James) Benson, W C (Wally) Franks (s)BalmoralAuckland
1940WellingtonW ( Bill) Whittaker, J W T (Jack) Macklow, H A (Alec) Robertson, F (Frank) Livingstone (s)OnehungaAuckland
1941ChristchurchC H (Charles) Elsom, D H (David) Joseph, A Williamson, P (Phillip) Munn (s)CanterburyChristchurch
1944DunedinW J (Walter) Chapman, A E (Albert) Seymour, A (Allan) Whyte, C L A (Charlie) Spearman (s)Christchurch RSAChristchurch
1945AucklandJ (John) Franklin, H (Herbert) Berry, J A (John) Maher, J N (John) Englebretson (s)HeretaungaHawkes Bay
1946ChristchurchW (William) Hillhouse, J Gourley, J J (James) Armstrong, E F (Ernest) White (s)RunangaWest Coast
1947Wellington E H (Edward) Crowley, E (Eric) Crowley, V F (Vince) Hurlstone, G A (Geoff) Crowley (s)Tolaga BayGisborne East Coast
1948DunedinJ W T (Jack) Macklow, F (Frank) Livingstone, H A (Alec) Robertson, J H (Jim) Mingins (s)OnehungaAuckland
1949AucklandA J (Bert) Murdoch, H L (Link) Rule, A (Alby) Rivers, T T (Thomas/Pete) Skoglund (s)OtahuhuAuckland
1950ChristchurchE H (Edward) Crowley, J H (James) Meikle, V E (Vince) Hurlstone, G A (Geoff) Crowley (s)Tolaga BayGisborne East Coast
1951WellingtonA J (Bert) Murdoch, H L (Link) Rule, A (Alby) Rivers, T T (Thomas/Pete) Skoglund (s)OtahuhuAuckland
1952DunedinN M (Ngaro) Johnston, W J (Jim) Ashton, M J (Mort) Squire, K S (Ken) Ewing (s)StratfordTaranaki
1953AucklandW G (William) Thornally, C B (Cecil) Shine, N A Fletcher, H N (Nelson) Orange (s)BalmoralAuckland
1954ChristchurchJ (Jack) Rothwell, H L Rule, (Link) W P (Bill) O'Neill, T T (Thomas/Pete) Skoglund (s)OtahuhuAuckland
1955WellingtonJ (Jack) Whitehead, E A (Edward) Horan, A (Alfred) Robinson, I B (Ivan) Evans (s)OmarunuiHawkes Bay
1956DunedinP F C (Patrick) Barrat, C E (Charles) Tomlinson, L J (Laurence) Buckingham, H H J (Robbie) Robson (s)MangakinoWaikato
1957Auckland F M (Francis) Murray, W W (Wilfred/Wally) Wearne, A N (Allan) Callaghan, M R (Ron) Buchan (s)Tui ParkWaikato
1958ChristchurchW H (William) Woods, L G (Leonard) Donaldson, A (Arthur) Connew, T T (Thomas/Pete) Skoglund (s)CarltonAuckland
1959WellingtonT (Toma) Sunde, C (Claude) Hill, A (Adam) Sunde, M A (Mark) Marinovich (s)OratiaAuckland
1960DunedinH (Harry) Roy, J D (Jim) Scott, B G (Basil) Moore, W P (Bill) O'Neill (s)CarltonAuckland
1961AucklandJ N (Joseph) Hammersley, L N (Leslie) Harris, R S (Reginald) Eves, M J (Morton) Squire (s)West EndTaranaki
1962ChristchurchW T (Bill) Humphreys, S J (Stan) Barlow, H W (Harry) Todd, W T P (Rangi) Brown (s)MarlboroughMarlborough
1963WellingtonJ D (Jim) Scott, N R D (Norm) Lash, J (Jim) Coltman, W P (Bill) O'Neill (s)CarltonAuckland
1964DunedinC T (Clarke) Bateman, J M (Jimmy) Clarke, R D (Doug) Barron, M (Mick) Deavoll (s)SydenhamChristchurch
1965AucklandD (David/Joe) Miller, G (George) Macrae, A S (Albert) Cotton, P E B (Percy) Jones (s)Otahuhu RailwayAuckland
1966ChristchurchT (Tom) McGimpsey, R W M (Bob) Anderson, R (Bob) Keen, A J (Arthur) Rudduck (s)MeadowbankNorth Otago
1967WellingtonF H (Frederick) Bogun, J E (John) Ord, J H (James) Fowler, H E (Eddie) Fayen (s)TaumaranuiKing Country
1968DunedinJ (Jim) Morrin, R G (Bob) Park, R L (Dick) Park, M (Mattie) Connew (s)CarltonAuckland
1969AucklandA (Andrew) Miosich, D F (Dave) Borrie, T (Tony) Radich, R (Dick) Milat (s)EllerslieAuckland
1970ChristchurchP G (Peter) Jolly, A J (Arthur) Robinson, J W (John) Walls, G H (Gordon) Jolly (s)LeithDunedin
1971WellingtonM (Murray) Davis, S V (Stew) Downie, N (Nikola/Nick) Unkovich, J (John) Somerville (s)RewaAuckland
1972DunedinJ (John) Murtagh, B A (Bruce) Johns, D C (Dave) Baldwin, (Ken) K P Tompkins (s)ParitutuTaranaki
1973AucklandN C (Norm) Church, M E G (Murray) Davis, C W (Colin) Smith, R L (Bob) McDonald (s)OnehungaAuckland
1974ChristchurchJ (John) Murtagh, B R (Bruce) Ballinger, D C (Dave) Baldwin, K (Ken) Murtagh (s)ParitutuTaranaki
1975WellingtonD J (Des) Craig, D (Doug) Richards-Jolley, D J (Danny) O'Connor, N (Nikola) Unkovich (s)Okahu BayAuckland
1976DunedinG (George) McKenzie, M (Mariano) Basile, W V (Wally) Hobbs, P C (Phil) Skoglund (s)NorthernManawatu
1977AucklandC E (Clarrie) Hutchison, T J (Terry) Scott, N (Neil) Kroon, P K (Kerry) Clark (s)North East ValleyDunedin
1978ChristchurchK W (Ken) Watson, L G (Sonny) Calder, B J (Brian) Smith, D M (Morgan) Moffat (s)LinwoodChristchurch
1979WellingtonD J (Des) Craig, D (Doug) Richards-Jolley, D J (Danny) O'Connor, N (Nikola) Unkovich (s)Okahu BayAuckland
1980DunedinR J (Rex) Knox, K D (Kevin) Harman, C R (Cliff) Taylor, W J (Jim) Scott (s)JohnsonvilleWellington
1981AucklandR J (Rowan) Brassey, D (Doug) Richards-Jolley, D J (Danny) O'Connor, N (Nikola) Unkovich (s)Okahu BayAuckland
1982ChristchurchR J (Rowan) Brassey, D (Doug) Richards-Jolley, D J (Danny) O'Connor, N (Nikola) Unkovich (s)Okahu BayAuckland
1983WellingtonR E (Ray) Hunt (Balclutha), L T (Len) Burnard (Fairfield),K G (Ken) Walker (Fairfield), K B (Bruce) McNish (Milton) (s)Composite
1984DunedinG E (George) Alley (Mt Wellington), H G (Bert) Robinson (Hillsboro), I (Ivan) Marsic (Carlton), N (Nikola) Unkovich (Rawhiti) (s)Composite
1985AucklandC J (Chris)Tracey (Rawhiti), M L (Lou) Musin (Rawhiti), J C (John) Somerville (Rewa), N (Nikola) Unkovich (Rawhiti) (s)Composite
1986ChristchurchC J (Chris)Tracey (Rawhiti), M L (Lou) Musin (Rawhiti), J C (John) Somerville (Rewa), N (Nikola) Unkovich (Rawhiti) (s)Composite
1987Wellington W J (John) Aplin, G (Graeme) Clifford, H W (Harold) Greenfield, L J (Mick) Heald (s)NaenaeWellington
1988DunedinR W (Roger) Glendinning (South Brighton), R H (Roger) Good (South Brighton), K B (Bruce) McNish (Spreydon), P W (Peter) Meier (South Brighton (s)Composite
1989AucklandW G (Warner) Barber (Papanui), D W (Dave) Trainor (Wilton), A T (Pat) Doig (Papanui), B (Brian) Barker (Papanui) (s)Composite
1990CanterburyB P (Barry) Greer, P D (Peter) Thorne, D J (Danny) O'Connor, R J (Rowan) Brassey (s)Okahu BayAuckland
1991WellingtonK R (Kevin) Asplin (Arawa), D D (Doug) Kent (Papakura), M J (Mike) Martinovich (Pukekohe), S M (Sid) Giddy (Arawa) (s)Composite
1992DunedinM J (Mike) Martinovich (Pukekohe), V (Vladimir/Wally) Marsic (Carlton), I (Ivan) Marsic (Carlton), V N (Nick) Grigicevich (Hillsboro) (s)Composite
1993WaikatoS P (Stewart) Buttar (Burnside), A W (Andrew) Curtain (Linwood), K B (Bruce) McNish (Greymouth), G R (Gary) Lawson (Carlton) (s)Composite
1994CanterburyS P (Stewart) Buttar (Burnside), A W (Andrew) Curtain (Linwood),K B (Bruce) McNish (Burnside), G R (Gary) Lawson (Carlton) (s)Composite
1995ManawatuR P (Ross) Haresnape, P D (Peter) Thorne, D J (Danny) O'Connor, R J (Rowan) Brassey (s)Okahu BayAuckland
1996AucklandA W (Andrew) Curtain (Elmwood), M (Mike) Solomon (Victoria), P W (Peter) Shaw (Northern), G R (Gary) Lawson (Victoria) (s)Composite
1997DunedinA W (Andrew) Curtain (Elmwood), M (Mike) Solomon (Victoria), P W (Peter) Shaw (Palmerston North), G R (Gary) Lawson (Belfast) (s)Composite
1998WellingtonR J (Bob) Dowling (Havelock), K R (Kevin) Greenwood (Havelock), L R (Lloyd) Gallop (Blenheim), A J H (Andre) Smith (Havelock) (s)Composite
1999CanterburyA J (Alf) Dickens, I (Ivan) Zonich, N (Nick) Krajancic, P D (Petar) Sain (s)CarltonAuckland
2000Bay of PlentyL B (Lance) Tasker, K R (Kevin) Maxfield, M M (Maurice) Hickey, S M (Sid) Giddy (s)Mt MaunganuiBay of Plenty
2001AucklandL B (Lance) Tasker, K R (Kevin) Maxfield, M M (Maurice) Hickey, S M (Sid) Giddy (s)Mt Maunganui Bay of Plenty
2002DunedinR P (Ross) Haresnape, K (Kerry) Chapman, J (Jamie) Hill, R J (Rowan) Brassey (s)AvondaleAuckland
2003WellingtonR P (Ross) Haresnape, M (Mike) Reid, J (Jamie) Hill, R J (Rowan) Brassey (s)Avondale Auckland
2004ChristchurchA (Adam) Newman (Victoria), A W (Andrew) Curtain (Elmwood), G (Glenn) Mc Donald (Riccarton Racecourse), G R (Gary) Lawson (Burnside) (s) Composite
2005AucklandS C (Steve) Beel (Wakari), W (Wayne) Turley (Taren Point), D J (Danny) O’Connor (Okahu Bay), R A (Richard) Girvan (Taren Point) ( Composite
2006WellingtonR (Ross) Thorn (Naenae), S W (Shane) McGonagle (Hunua), S J (Shannon) McIlroy (Te Karaka), D J (Dwayne) Cameron (Manurewa Cosmopolitan) (s)Composite
2007DunedinB W (Barrie) Andrews (West End, Timaru), R (Rod) Dorgan (Kia Toa, Timaru), D (Dave) Hansen (Kia Toa, Timaru), S C (Sean) O’Neill (Kia Toa) (Composite
2008ChristchurchN S (Nick) Buttar (Burnside), C J (Chris) Le Lievre (Onehunga), K B (Bruce) McNish (Musgrave Hill, Australia ), R (Ryan) Bester (Hanover, Canada) (s)Composite
2009AucklandJ (Justin) Goodwin (Eastbourne), S G (Steve) Posa (Frankton Railway), K (Kevin) Robinson (Putaruru), P J (Peter) Belliss (Cabramatta, Australia) (s)Composite
2010WellingtonC (Clint) Carroll (Stokes Valley), R J (Robbie) Bennett (Johnsonville), B G (Blake) Signal (Stokes Valley), A L (Alvin) Gardiner (Elmwood) (s)Composite
2011DunedinG B (Graham) Hood (Havelock), L R (Lloyd) Gallop (Blenheim), M B (Matthew) Gallop (Cabramatta, Australia), A D (Ali) Forsyth (Taren Point) (s)Composite
2012AucklandG T I (Greg) Ruaporo (Hillsboro), B G (Blake) Signal (Stokes Valley), A D (Ali) Forsyth (Havelock), A (Andrew) Kelly (Canterbury) (s)Composite
2013TaranakiB (Brett) Hassall (Avondale), R (Rodger) Hassall (Paritutu), B (Beau) Prideaux (Cabramatta,Australia), R J (Rowan) Brassey (Cabramatta) (s) Composite
2014DunedinM D (Michael) Nagy (Taren Point), A E (Tony) Grantham (Birkenhead), A (Andrew) Kelly (Redcliffs), K M (Mike) Kernaghan (Kaikorai)Composite
2015Nth HarbourD J (Danny) O’Connor (Birkenhead), L B (Lance) Tasker (Tauranga), R A (Richard) Girvan (Onehunga), P J (Peter) Bellis (Aramoho) (Composite
2016CanterburyT A (Tony) Andrews (Kaiapoi WM), P T A (Paddy) Stewart (Kaiapoi), D R (Darren) Redway (Rangiora), K A (Kerry) Becks (Kaiapoi) (s)Composite
2017TaranakiL B (Lance) Tasker (Tauranga), B G (Blake) Signal (Stokes Valley), R A (Richard) Girvan (Onehunga), P J (Peter) Bellis (Aramoho) (s)Composite
2018DunedinJ (Justin) Goodwin (Eastbourne), S J (Shannon) McIlroy (Stoke), G R (Gary) Lawson (Eastbourne), A D (Ali) Forsyth (Clayton - Australia) (s)Composite
2019WellingtonG K (Gavin) Scrivener (Aramoho), B D (Bruce) Hall (West End - Taranaki), N P (Neil) Candy (West End - Taranaki), D C (Dean) Elgar (West End) (s)Composite
2020Bay of PlentyS C (Sheldon Bagrie-Howley (Gore), C J D (Caleb) Hope (Gore), J (Jamie) Hill (Mt Albert), G R (Gary) Lawson (Elmwood Park) (s)Composite
2021Central OtagoC J (Craig) McDonnell (Riverside), S C (Steve) Beel ( Mt Maunganui), J R (John) Gray (Mt Maunganui), M J (Maurice) Symes (Blenheim) (s) Composite
2022COVID-19 Pandemic
2023Central OtagoK (Kevan) Greenwood, A (Adrian) Robins, P (Paul) Matheson, R (Rodney) Greaney (s)Composite
2024TaranakiS (Stephen) Fisherm, M (Martin) Dixon, D (David) Clark, M (Michael) Galloway (s)Composite