Elmwood Park Saints march home with Bowls3Five national title!

The Elmwood Park Saints came marching into this years National Bowls3Five with nothing, and marched home (metaphorically) as Champions, after a hotly contested weekend of Bowls3Five.

The Saints team of Lance Pascoe, Kelvin Scott, Mandy Boyd and manager, Gary Lawson defeated the spirited Takaro Tui team of Mark Noble, Sharon Sims and and Steven Toms in the final to claim the Championship.

In the semi finals, the Saints snuck past the Stokes Valley Vipers team of Seamus Curtin, Finbar McGuigan and Nicole Toomey by smallest of margins; winning the first set four points to three, and drawing the second set four all.

In the other semi final, the Takaro Tui were able to just edge out the Gore Rams in straight sets; scoring seven points to five in the first, and six points to three in the second.

Check out a replay of the final below!