2009 - Present
The Future is Now

With the advent of the internet and the subsequent emergence of social media, people are able to communicate in more ways, and more often, with each other than ever before.

Image: Bowls New Zealand recognises that social media is important to all and has a presence on Facebook and Instagram

There is ongoing development and revitalisation of the way bowls is presented by Clubs, Centres and Bowls New Zealand. The sport is way more visible and attractive today to the non-bowling populace than it has been in decades.

The 'live streaming' of the sport has been well and truly embraced by the bowls community and it can now be seen anywhere from club to national events.

Images: Bowls New Zealand regularly present live streaming/videos that can be streamed from the either a Sky PopUp channel or the Bowls New Zealand YouTube platform
Initiatives such as Bowls New Zealand's 'Bowls3Five' televised league now see more bowls on television than we've had in over three decades and it could be argued that bowlers and non bowlers now have available to them more bowls content than ever before.

Image: Lights, Camera, Action - Bowls3Five features prominently on television for the duration of the competition

Affiliated membership numbers show over 26,000, however casual participation numbers are continuing to skyrocket with the latest report (2022-2023 season) showing well over 100,000 participants. The number of people engaging in Twilight Bowls is up 31% on the previous year.
We respect and reflect our roots in this country, whānau, language and specifically target inclusivity of all. We are the inclusive sport. Our logo reflects this mission.

Big changes. Everything is possible. It's an exciting time to be a bowler in New Zealand.