Umpires Quiz #1

Michael Johnson

Are you ready to test your knowledge with the Umpires Quiz #1? Best of luck!

A bowl is leaning after the last bowl has been delivered. One of the players asks for you to wait to see if it falls. How long do you wait?

The jack is delivered and finishes on the next rink. What happens?

A player picks the mat up before the end is completed. What happens?

When does a game start?

A player is taken ill during a game. What happens?

A toucher in the ditch is hit by a non-toucher entering the ditch. What do you do?

How long after a game can a complaint be lodged regarding a set of bowls?

What is the minimum length required of a delivered bowl?

A jack rebounds off the face of the bank up the green. What is the distance for it to still be in play?

When should a marker mark the scorecard?

The players have decided that the result of the end is two shots to Team B. They then realise that Team A has a bowl left to play. What happens?

A bowl is delivered with a chalk mark on it. What would you do as a marker?

Two players from the same club are drawn to play each other. They both have the same club stickers on their bowls. Player A is supplied with another set of stickers which are placed over the club stickers. Is this acceptable?