Greenkeeper extraordinaire Ron Sabin

An 84 years young Cantabrian, Ron Sabin was recently honoured at a retirement function in his name, acknowledging 51+ years of service and dedication to the bowls community. Amongst the 150 guests, Bowls New Zealand President Ann Wright and Bowls New Zealand Greenkeepers Association (BNZGA) Patron and Life Member Warwick Graham were in attendance.

Ann Wright said it was a privilege to be invited and the turnout showed the high regard that Ron is held in.

In fine form was MC Robert Gibson, President of the BNZGA and appropriate speeches made by Lorraine McLeod (Bowls Canterbury), Stu Dalley, and Stu Jenkins. The latter presenting Ron a Weber BBQ on behalf of the Bowls Canterbury Greenkeepers Association.

Stu Dalley regaled tales and names from years gone by such as Hec Orchard, Sonny Calder, Ron Kimber and the previously mentioned Warwick Graham as he spoke about Ron's incredible experiences as the Greenkeeper at Canterbury Bowling Club and then Bowls Papanui.

Ron remains a member on the Executive of both the BNZGA and Bowls Canterbury Greenkeepers Association.

Congratulations Ron on your stellar greenkeeping career and all the best for retirement.